The theme for the beginning of this knitting year is baby blankets. Started a rib check blanket last night for my BIL & SIL, whose little boy is due any minute now.
Have the yarn on the way for Jared Flood's baby blanket, which I am knitting for the little girl of dear friends, who should be making her appearance in early May.
Also cast on last night for a lacy cowl made out of Mini Mochi (like I needed another project).
Forest Canopy Shawl is on timeout for the moment, and may become the Clapotis I envisioned when I bought the yarn. May need yarn I can see well for the FC Shawl.
Feather and Fan afghan out of Malabrigo is 1/3 done, and is my mindless knitting.
Exercise didn't happen on vacation; back at it tonight. Have to exercise before I can knit. :)
Some more FOs, and a reading spree
13 years ago